Women’s Program

Land O’Lakes Women’s Program
This program offers assistance and counselling for women 16 or older who have experienced or are experiencing abuse and/or violence in their lives.
It is a mobile outreach service (counsellors will travel to women’s homes) in the northern areas of Lennox & Addington and Frontenac Counties.
The program is based on the belief that individuals have the right to live in a safe environment and be supported in the choices they make for themselves.
Trained counsellors will meet with women to help them deal with relationship issues and make safety plans.
Women often leave 7-10 times before making final decision…
Be a survivor, not a victim!
The Land O’Lakes Women’s Program offers:





Court Accompaniment

Crisis Intervention

Women’s Program Counsellors:
-Deb Gervais-Hermer – 613-336-8934 x234
– Amanda Miles – 613-336-8934 x222 Sharbot Lake Office – 613-279-3151 x418
– Ally MacDonald – 613-336-8934 x222