Developmental Services
Adult Protective Services and Supported Independent Living/Community Participation Program for people in the community with a developmental disability.
The objective of the Adult Protective Services Program is to support adults with a developmental disability to live as independently, safely and securely as possible in their community.
The Adult Protective Services worker fulfills the following roles for adults with developmental disabilities:
- Advocacy
- Personal planning support
- Support the co-ordination of resources and the development of personal support networks in the community
- Assist in strengthening of a persons ability to manage and gain the skills needed daily living
- Enhance a persons knowledge of support networks, community-based resources and government funded services to foster greater personal and social inclusion.
We offer support in completing forms and applications, including:
- Ontario Disability Support Program application
- Developmental Services Ontario application
- Passport funding forms and invoicing
- Legal Services, Health Card and Social Insurance forms
- Referrals to other community supports.
We can provide assistance with:
- Support and transportation to medical appointments and other essential services
- Budgeting skills and short term, voluntary trusteeships
- Confidential counseling and person-centred planning
- Crisis and non-crisis situations

The Role of the APSW
Ensure the rights of the adult who has a developmental disability are acknowledged and respected and to inform the individual of their rights.

Case Management
A collaborative process to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the options and services needed to meet the individual’s service needs.

Service Principles
Citizenship – to promote community participation & enhance the perception of people with a developmental disability
Fairness & Equality – to promote independence and inclusion in the community tailored to meet an individuals needs and goals.
Accessibility – to promote flexible supports and participation in decision making
Safety & Security – supports and services will promote safety and respect the individuals rights of privacy & confidentiality.
Accountability – individuals are provided opportunities to participate in the planning & delivery of the services they receive.
The APSW program establishes a voluntary working relationship based upon mutual accountability between the individual and the APSW. Individuals are active participants in all steps of the working relationship.
While the APSW program follows guidelines set out by the Ministry of community & Social Services, the Adult Protective Services program understands the limited resources and services available in rural communities. The program makes every effort to support the unique needs and goals of each individual.
For more information on the A.S.P.W. program please call Jilene @ 613-336-8934 x228 or 1-877-679-6636
Supported Independent Living (S.I.L.)
The Land O’Lakes Community Services SIL program provides support to individuals who live in the community on their own. Our SIL Support Worker meets with individuals regularly and provides various supports including:
- Assistance with menu planning, grocery shopping and meal preparation
- Assistance with laundry
- Assistance with cleaning
- Assistance with hygiene, health care appointments as well as assistance with following through on the recommendations provided by health care practitioners
- Assistance with bill payments, advocacy and financial planning
- Assistance with social skills and community integration
- Assistance with achieving goals and maintaining independence

Community Participation Program
The Land O’Lakes Community Services Community Participation program providessupports to adults with a developmental disability who want to become more involved in the community. These supports can be delivered one-on-one or in groups and include things like:
- social activities, meeting with other adults who have similar needs and interests in the community
- developing self-help skills such as simple measurement/recipe reading and basic cooking
- Practicing work-related tasks or skills to succeed at work or as a volunteer.
- help build independence
- building social/communication skills
- learning and personal development, eg: taking a course, using public internet access or participating in activities at Connections adult learning center
For more information on the SIL or Community Participation programs, please call
Kate Turl @ 613-336-8934 x223 or 1-877-679-6636