Community Funded Programs

The Mazinaw Lake Swim Program was started in 1972 in response to the tragic drowning deaths of two children from the same family in our community. The mothers in the area at that time banded together and raised funds by running Strawberry Socials, Bake Sales, and whatever else they could to start a swim program, to make sure this never happened again. Children from the age of 4 can join the program which runs for the whole month of July each year. MLSP is held at Bon Echo Park and the fee is $100 per child including transportation. This year the program runs from July 1st to July 26th. This program will never turn away a child due to his/her family circumstances, every child will be given the opportunity to learn how to swim. This program is open to all children and not just those from the community, summer visitors and campers can join also, all are welcome.
Benefits of learning to swim…
Assists children in learning to master agility, balance, coordination, speed and rhythmic movement. As a physical activity, it engages all muscle groups. Swimming improves circulation and respiration. Knowing how to swim can SAVE LIVES. Swimming is a fun recreational activity to do with your family.
For more information email at mazinawlakeswimprogram@gmail.com or check out their website at www.mazinawlakeswim.com

Many low-income individuals have difficulty preparing their own taxes. We are partnered with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) through the Canada Revenue Agency. Volunteers prepare taxes for approximately 200 individuals each year.
We are always looking for new volunteers for this program. Training is available. Contact Richelle at 613-336-8934

We truly do live in a great community!
Each family receives a turkey and groceries for Christmas dinner, and other groceries for the holiday week. There are presents for all the children. People who are single receive a ham and assorted groceries for the holiday. Our community comes together at this special time of year, and donates everything from gifts and groceries, to cash donations.

The Backpack program is to ensure that all children heading to school, in our area, start their school year off successfully! The Salvation Army in Napanee collects donations for all the items needed for back to school. This program generally starts in august to ensure children and teens have their backpacks ready for back to school.
Parents requiring backpacks can contact Richelle at 613-336-8934 or toll free at 1-877-679-6636

Operation Warm Toes insures that all children attending school in our area will have warm boots to make outdoor winter activities safe and warm. The Salvation Army accepts donations of new boots for our area to be distributed to those children in need. This program generally runs between September to October so that boots can be delivered early November.
Parents in need of boots can contact Richelle at 613-336-8934 or toll free at 1-877-679-6636