Land O’Lakes Community Services
12497 A Hwy#41 Northbrook, ON. K0H 2G0
Phone: 613-336-8934
Toll Free: 1-877-679-6636
Fax: 613-336-2044

Programs and Services
Land O’Lakes Community Services provides services to individuals and families living in the township of Addington Highlands and Ward 1 North Frontenac.
We primarily provide services to 5 distinct villages and their surrounding populations: Kaladar, Flinton, Northbrook, Cloyne and Denbigh. Our Land O’Lakes Women’s Program also services all of the Township of North Frontenac.
Our Services Include:
-Women’s Program
-Community Support Services
–Developmental Services
-Community Funded Programs
Pine Meadow Nursing Home
Pine Meadow is a 64-bed, not-for-profit nursing home owned by Land O’Lakes Community Services in Northbrook, and managed by Extendicare (Canada) Inc. They are governed by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of the Environment.
Pine Meadow is an accredited facility, having met or exceeded a number of national standards set by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Fill Out Our Survey to Help Identify Our Community Needs!
The Board of Directors of Land O’Lakes Community Services & Pine Meadows Nursing Home need your help to identify community program needs. Thank you for taking our survey.
“Community leadership is the courage, creativity and capacity to inspire participation, development and sustainability for strong communities.“
-Gustav Nossal
Other Services Available:
P.E.L.A.S.S. (Ontario works) local # 613-336-3300 intake # 1-866-354-0957
(apply for Ontario Works, Social Housing or Child Care Subsidy)
ODSP (Ontario Disability Program)
Belleville 613-962-9562
Kingston 1-888-267-0236
The Legal Clinic 1-613-279-3252 or 1-888-777-8916
Maltby Centre (formally known as Pathways for Children & Youth) Intake
1-613-546-1422 x1 or 1-844-855-8340
Addictions and Mental Health Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington
1-613-354-7388 or 1-800-267-7877
Family & Children’s Services Frontenac Lennox & Addington
613-336-8934 x225 or 1-800-445-3227
Probation & Parole – Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services

Our Mission Statement
We are committed to providing support that enhances quality of life for all members of the community.
Our Values
Integrity, Accountability, Respect, Compassion, Inclusivity, Responsiveness
Our Vision Statement
A place where everyone is welcomed and supported.
Land O’Lakes Community Services has over 150 volunteers who assist in delivering many of the services available through the agency.

Volunteer, Donation/Membership
Confidentiality is maintained in all our programs.